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Alessandra Miranda

Alessandra Miranda

Sculpture, Installation and Photography
Santiago, Chile
Aufenthaltsdauer: 04.01.2017 - 30.03.2017

Curriculum Vitae

2016: invisible, event, emergency/ XII photography Bienal Olotfotografía/ Olot, Catalonia, Spain.
2016: No Artifact, No dancer/ VI Festival Samples/ Mexico df, Mexico.
2016: Walking Art/ II Festival Photogenic / Barcelona, Spain.
2016: Four Strata/ Setbajove, Setba fundation, Young art show. Barcelona, Spain.
2015: Backlash/ Copper creation contest/ Contemporary Art Museum/ Santiago, Chile.
2015: Pas de Deux/ audiovisual contest Suroscopia/ Andalucia, Spain.
2015: Two Step/ First video art festival Nodo CCs/ Caracas, Venezuela.
2015/2016: Master Degree in Contemporary Artistic Creation / University of Barcelona/ Barcelona, Spain.
2014: Hundred way to say the same / Young art contest/ Contemporary Art Museum MAC / Santiago, Chile.
2009/2014: Degree in Fine Arts/Sculptress/ University of Chile/ Santiago, Chile.

My artistic activity is not founded on some material or specific technique. Rather, my concerns are inscribed in the symbolic dimension of the object world, the relations established between space, subject and object, the creation of context and of the habitual.There is a transversal action in my work, that is develop a “top view” and to observe the alterations of space, whether public or private. when these abnormalities happen, It gives a importance to this break like a event and it is an invitation the re-reading of spaces. On the search for the most appropriate artistic language to develop my project, during the stay in Switzerland I will place special emphasis on the detours that the city provides me to invite new readings of the everyday.
