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Ashfika Rahman

Ashfika Rahman

Mixed Medium Visual Art

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Artist in Residence at Rote Fabrik from April to June 2024

Ashfika Rahman, a visual artist based in Bangladesh, is deeply influenced by her mother's role as a social worker in her creative journey. Currently engrossed in the creation of an alternative archive, she aims to illuminate the marginalized communities in her homeland. This archive draws inspiration from mythological, spiritual, and folk tales, all of which she recontextualizes within the context of contemporary issues. Her artistic focus primarily revolves around photography, ingeniously recontextualized through contemporary media such as text, drawing, prints, textile, sound, video, and installations. Through these expressive mediums, she embarks on extensive research and painstakingly records the struggles, violence, communal displacement, cultural colonization, and suppression faced by the community.

However, her approach goes beyond mere documentation and archiving; she actively engages with these communities, collaborating with them to share their poignant and heart-wrenching experiences—populace profoundly affected by disenfranchisement. Tragically, the histories and cultures of these communities face erasure due to the unrelenting and severe policies and ideologies upheld by both the state and the societal elite of the nation. Her installation, serving as an alternative archive, not only draws attention to these pressing realities but also critically engages the global audience.

In her professional endeavors, Ashfika Rahman is deeply engaged in conducting thorough research and articulating various issues pertinent to indigenous or minority communities. During her residency, Ashifka intend to further delve into inclusive research within such communities, with a particular focus on the Roma community. Specifically, she aims to explore their rich history, tracing back to their ancestors' migration from India over a millennium ago, journeying through Asia before settling in Europe. Her investigation will encompass diverse aspects such as cultural taboos, prevalent social challenges, and other significant facets of their existence. Simultaneously, she is eager to gain insight into the ecosystem surrounding the artistic community in Switzerland.

By immersing herself in this environment, she anticipates enriching and refining her own understanding, which will undoubtedly contribute to her growth and inform my future endeavors.

Coaching by Martina Huber

Realised by IG Rote Fabrik and Pro Helvetia New Delhi
