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Priyadarshini Ohol

Performance, Painting, Multi Media, Artivism

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Artist in Residence at Rote Farbik from January to March 2022

To contact, participate, collaborate or for a studio visit contact the artist: or instagram @oholart

A deep examination and transformation of human experience into thriving life as art rooted in radical self-care, scientific inquiry, contemplation, authenticity, freedom, play is at the core of Priyadarshini Ohol's practice.

She is an interdisciplinary artist. Ohol’s process-based art finds expression in painting, movement, performance, video, performative painting, Butoh, poetry, articles, text, activism, transdisciplinary immersive installations & participatory, experimental, collaborative works.

Ohol’s expressive canvases mark time, space, people and are a record of the local and global moment while her sensitive multi-layered performances explore existential & political questions of the body, identity, location through individual and community experience and memory to with play with perceptions, challenge norms and provoke changes in art landscapes.

Ohol’s is a complex social practice examining the self in relation to the world, universal human experiences, psychosocial events, equality, exclusion, inclusion, identity, belonging, dehumanization, discrimination, casteism, freedom, sexuality, gender, feminism, possession, dispossession, ethics, classism, displacement, fraternity, regional and global politics, the politics of locations of the body, the meaning of art, possibilities of artistic cultural impact and artivism in an increasingly changing, conflict ridden, technologically driven, globalized, fragmented world.

Coaching by Simon Würsten Marin

Realised by IG Rote Fabrik and Pro Helvetia New Delhi Swiss Arts Council
