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Susanna Flock

Susanna Flock

Performing Art: visual art

City & Country: Vienna, Austria

Artist in Residence at the Rote Fabrik from: 06.01.2020 to 27.03.2020

In her works Susanna Flock deals with the relationship of the body to its technologically me-diated environment and screen culture. Since the digitalization of all spheres of life, the im-material and territorially unbound spaces that are unfolded via screens and haptically inac-cessible have become increasingly important. As a slippery portal, the screen forms a transi-tion to the world of things in the screen and reflects the desire for substitute realities.

During the residency Susanna Flock will continue to work on a non-linear, multi-channel video installation, titled Building A.I. out of Clay. The work is concerned with the topics of mortality in the context of technological change. The motif of the prede-termined breaking point as a prevention and sabotage figure between life and death permeates the work. It will be made of several videos, featuring a dropped salamander's tail still moving and an animation of Frankenstein's Monster having an identity crisis.

    • «Coaching by Andreas Marti, DIENSTGEBÄUDE Art Space Zurich»
    • «Realised by Rote Fabrik»
    • «Contact: »

Links to Websites with works from the artist
